Thursday, February 2, 2012

What to Take - What to Leave?

Since I am checking out of the apartment tomorrow, I spent some time this morning organizing my things and trying to fit it all in two suitcases and one carry-on.

Needless to say..............some things had to go..............

Here is a copy of the email I sent to my friend, Maureen:

Hi Maureen,

When Rick and I came to France in September, he insisted on bringing his FAVORITE beach towel, which just happens to be one he purchased when we were up at Doe Bay.  I told him not to bring it!  My feelings about beach towels are that they are purchased AND disposed of on site.  But ...............we were going to be two weeks on the Med. and he insisted.

And in all of the times that he has left this apartment.............he has never left with the beach towel.  So as I am packing my things to give up the apartment on Friday, I am faced with the Doe Bay beach towel.  Sorry, it didn't make the cut!  So it will go along with a variety of other things down to the square in front of the apartment.  There are three telephone booths on the square.  Needless to say, nobody uses public telephones anymore and it is a good thing in my neighborhood, because all of the phone boothes are inhabited.  And when I drop off the clothes, etc. which I am not taking back to the States....within 30 minutes they are claimed. 

So you and Joe should know that tomorrow night, a gypsy or North African, who is probably an illegal alien (not that I am not!) will be using a Doe Bay beach towel for warmth in the current freezing temperatures.

Here's the towel................

And here are the lucky (they're not exactly LUCKY) recipients.............

We started taking items down when Nicholas and Courtney were here. Rick left two pair of shoes that were in the way, so I had Nicholas take them down to the square and put them by a public trash recepticle near the telephone boothes.  It almost became a game to see how fast they disappeared.  And then there was a coat that Helene left.............. and now some clothes, shoes, towels, yoga mat, tiny coins, cheese, granola bars............ 

And everytime I take a bag down, it somebody grabs it.


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