Monday, October 24, 2011

Overheard on the Metro: "Why is a street named Franklin Roosevelt?"

Today it's sunny and mild in Paris.  I planned to walk to the 5th arrondissement, but decided to take the Metro. Since I'm on my own again.......I was afraid if I didn't take it today by myself, I would put it off and lose my confidence.

It was easy - absolutely no problem! 

So I was sitting on Line 1 listening to three American young adults.  They were late 20's or early 30's, I'm sure.  The girl looked at the chart above the door that shows where the line goes and asked the two fellows she was traveling with, "Why would they have a street named after Franklin Roosevelt?"

I didn't say anything, but what I wanted to say is,  "Don't they teach you anything in school?"

Good grief!

I'm hoping, and reasonably certain, that my children know that Franklin Roosevelt was the 32nd president and Commander-in-Chief of the US troops during the Invasion of Normandy,

which led to the liberation of Paris and the end of the war.  But if by chance, they don't (and some of them will be riding that same Metro line), or if that sweet young thing happens to be randomly reading my blog.................that is why there is a major street named after Franklin Roosevelt in Paris.

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